もともと言葉(日本語や方言を含む)に興味があったので、大学で中国語を専攻(最初は軽い動機でした)して以来、ますます興味がわき、留学し、そのまま現地に就職しました。 中国語を使えると言えるようになったのは、やはり仕事で使うようになってからです。現地の人と結婚し、私の実家の事情で帰国しました。 最終的に翻訳業を選んだのは、家にいて育児しながら自由な時間に自由なペースで仕事できるからでしたが、翻訳の力だけでなく、文章力、物を調べる力、 PC操作能力も向上し、何か翻訳をするごとに見識も深められ、一石二鳥以上やりがいがあると感じています。 理想:両者に、感情を共有させられるような通訳や翻訳。



Today I have another verb for you that has an unexpected second meaning: “buy”. Of course, everyone knows the first meaning which is to purchase something with money. However, there is a second meaning which is also commonly used. This second meaning is to believe something that another person tells us. For example:
Janice told me she had to cancel our date last night because she was working, but I don’t buy it.
A: Did your father buy your story about coming out to study with your friend?
B: Yeah, he bought it. Now where do you want to go for our date?
Fred is really innocent and naive. He’ll buy anything anyone tells him.
When we use “buy” in the sense of believing someone, we never use a person as the object of the sentence. So, we would say, “My friend didn’t buy it.” (“it” means the story), but we DON’T say, “My friend didn’t buy him.” (“him” means the person who told the story). However, if we use the word “believe”, we could use either “it” or a person. For example:
I told my friend that my father is a famous actor, but she didn’t buy it.
I told my friend that my father is a famous actor, but she didn’t believe it.
I told my friend that my father is a famous actor, but she didn’t believe me.

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