16年前、私が中国語を教えた一人の生徒がフリーランスの英語翻訳者でした。 彼女がこれから中国語翻訳のニーズが増えるに違いない、なお英語⇔中国語の翻訳が出来れば受けられる仕事の範囲が広がると言っていました。 あれから彼女のアドバイスを受けながら、自分もフリーランスの中国語翻訳者の道を歩んできました。 理想の翻訳家像は原文に対して忠実に、一句ずつ間違いのないように翻訳をすることです。



This week's grammatical word is “bound” and, even though it is technically an adjective, it doesn’t function as a typical adjective, so I’ve decided to write about it as a grammatical word. It’s not typical as an adjective because it must always be followed by a verb and then the rest of the sentence.
It is used when we are making a prediction about something in the future, and we feel quite certain that it will be true. For example:
There are bound to be a lot of pretty girls at Kelly’s party because she’s a model.

A: I was invited to have dinner at a French restaurant tonight.
B: Then you’d better take a lot of money with you. It’s bound to be quite expensive.

I don’t want to go to the dance club on Saturday night. It’s bound to be really crowded.

A: Do you think Jake will come to the dinner tonight at the seafood restaurant.
B: He’s bound to come. He really loves seafood.
My favorite basketball team hasn’t lost a single game this season, so they’re bound to win again tonight.
As you can see, the word “bound” is always followed by the infinitive (to + base form of a verb). Often, the verb is “to be”, as in the first three examples, but we can also use other verbs, as in the last two examples.

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